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A quirky immigrant family, struggling to maintain their Tanzanian heritage, while living in a chaotic suburban city.

Alternative poster image for the matumbilas series. The family is in the living room, each doing their own thing.


When Hashim and Zainat immigrated from Tanzania to a small city named Hopeland in Massachusetts, their goal was to build an infrastructure for their future kids. They didn’t expect that their “future kids”, Amina, Rajab, and Zulfiqar would have their own interests.

Fake conspiracies, Trap Music, and Halal Gyros. Hashim and Zainat Matumbila try to implement they're Tanzanian cultural upbringing to Amina, Rajab, and Zulfiqar Matumbila, however everyone is trying to balance their Tanzanian roots, on American soil.

A headshot of Zulfiqar Manzi, the creator of the show.


Zul Manzi is an all around satirist and owner of his independent production company ZMaster Productions LLC. In 2019, Zul began creating an animated series titled, The Matumbilas, which began streaming on kweliTV in 2020. Combining elements from his Tanzanian background and his hometown of Western Massachusetts, Zul comprises these elements to create The Matumbilas environment, which is now kweliTV’s first original series and most watched series on the platform. Outside of work, Zul enjoys halal gyros, going to the park, and taking long walks while listening to Pet Sounds.


  • Episode 1: Standout Student

    Episode 1

    While The Matumbila's are starting to have dinner, Zulfiqar tells his family about the strange experiences he dealt with in school earlier that day, as he prepares to do a project about Tanzania (his family's home country).

  • Episode 2: Good Ol' Pork

    Episode 2

    As Zulfiqar goes back to school, he encounters the repercussions for not telling his teacher, (Mrs. McCrust), that he doesn't eat pepperoni pizza.

  • Episode 3: Smackdown

    Episode 3

    Zainat decides to invite her friends from the Tanzanian community, (The Pintu's) over for dinner. However, as one of the kids from The Pintu's creates a ruckus, Hashim has his own way of discipline.

  • Episode 4: Home Invasion

    Episode 4

    Zainat lets her younger brother, Uncle Abdullah, stay with her and the rest of the family at her house. Meanwhile, everybody in the house, except her, wants him to leave immediately.

  • Episode 5: King of Babbiln'

    Episode 5

    Rajab and Zulfiqar both encounter neighborhood clout chaser, "Terry Tyler Thomas". When Terry begs Rajab to be in his music projects, Rajab rejects his offer. Therefore, Terry decides to create an alter ego against Rajab.

  • Episode 6: Don't Worry It's Halal

    Episode 6

    Amina gets her first job working at ABC Halal Fried Chicken. Word spreads around from the local Tanzanian community, and they try to get free food from her. As she gets fired, Hashim attempts to get her job back.

  • Episode 7: Gotta Be Swank

    Episode 7

    Rajab tries to join a local social media chasing group called “Fury Society”, whose whole demeanor is to be swank. Rajab is then contemplating whether or not he should follow what the group’s stances are in order to be accepted.

  • Episode 8: In Between Events

    Episode 8

    A deeper look into the day-to-day life of The Matumbilas, when much is not going on. Random calls from family members back in Tanzania, soccer games, and watching Maburu Maburu.

  • Episode 9: Happy Anniversary Cassavas

    Episode 9

    Zainat tries to convince Hashim to have a party for their wedding anniversary, but Hashim hates parties and just wants to enjoy his cassavas. However, Zainat convinces Hashim for a small gathering, but it turns into a nightmare for him.

  • Episode 10: Coming From America

    Episode 10

    Zulfiqar is irritated by a girl from his community who has a crush on him, Deserae. After he goes to sleep, he wakes in a whole new utopia as his family is wealthy and he's forced to get married to a bimbo princess.

  • Episode 1: Mzee Matumbila Arrives

    Episode 1

    Season Two opens up with Hashim's father, Mzee Matumbila, visiting from Tanzania to spend time with his family. However, he delivers a message that shocks Hashim.

  • Episode 2: Mzee Matumbila Leaves

    Episode 2

    After Hashim hears about his father's financial problems, he tries to come up with positive solutions to get back on his feet. Until, Zulfiqar chimes in.

  • Episode 3: Amina's First Date

    Episode 3

    Amina is infatuated by a local activist and, Hashim, feels uneasy about the whole situation. Zainat looks at this as a perfect opportunity to help her daughter transition to traditional womanhood.

  • Episode 4: Mama Harusi ni Kugwi

    Episode 4

    Zainat introduces Amina to Mama Harusi, a trainer for young women. However, her training causes Amina to go sporadic.

  • Episode 5: Hopeland's Got Talent

    Episode 5

    Rajab comes across a social media ad about a local talent happening in Hopeland. After feeling excited at first about it, Rajab encounters obstacles from his community.

  • Episode 6: Matumbila's Trapped!

    Episode 6

    The Matumbilas are stuck in the house after an unexpected snow storm, and are met with a potential life threatening situation.

Main Cast

  • Cast Member: Chris Yates

    Voice of:

    Rajab Matumbila

    Juma Pintu

    Lil Lil Young Young

    Chris Yates

  • Cast Member: Samadhi Hernandez

    Voice of:

    Zainat Matumbila

    Amina Matumbila

    Samadhi Hernandez

  • Cast Member: Zul Manzi

    Voice of:

    Hashim Matumbila

    Zulfiqar matumbila

    Uncle Abdullah

    Ms. McCrust

    Terry Tyler Thomas

    and others...

    Zul Manzi

  • Cast Member: Richie Kamtchoum

    Voice of:


    Coach Hamisi

    Baba Mwamedi

    Richie Kamtchoum

  • Cast Member: Nathaly Navarro

    Voice of:


    Mama Harusi

    Nathaly Navarro

  • Cast Member: Chris Yates

    Voice of:

    Rajab Matumbila

    Juma Pintu

    Lil Lil Young Young

    Chris Yates

  • Cast Member: Gabrielle Barlatier

    Voice of:

    Amina Matumbila

    Auntie Mwanaisha

    Gabrielle Barlatier

  • Cast Member: Denise Khumalo

    Voice of:

    Zainat Matumbila

    Denise Khumalo

  • Cast Member: Sarah-Lee Emilaire

    Voice of:

    Fatima Pintu

    Sarah-Lee Emilaire

  • Cast Member: Zul Manzi

    Voice of:

    Hashim Matumbila

    Zulfiqar Matumbila

    Mzee Matumbila

    Uncle Abdullah

    Zul Manzi